Indivo Client Libraries ======================= An Indivo client library is any code (in any language) provided as a standard package to app developers which enables them to make :doc:`API calls ` against Indivo without worrying about low-level implementation details such as OAuth signing. We currently support a few simple libraries: this document lists those libraries, and provides advice for generating new libraries. Supported Client Libraries -------------------------- Currently, we have released the following client libraries: Python Client ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Our python client is a simple wrapper around the commonly used and supported `Python Oauth2 `_ library for making OAuth-signed REST calls. Our code is available `on github `__, and documentation is available :doc:`in the Indivo docs `. iOS Framework ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Indivo iOS Framework is an object-oriented wrapper that provides class-based access to core Indivo data-types using the Indivo API. The code is available `on github `__, and documentation is available `in the Indivo docs `_. Java Client ^^^^^^^^^^^ Our java client is a simple layer over the Indivo API. **WARNING:** the client is not yet fully up to date for Indivo version 2.0, so use at your own risk! Code is available `on github `__, and although there is no publicly hosted documentation, there are helpful examples in README files in the source code. SMART Clients ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Since Indivo now supports the `SMART API `_, apps written using SMART client libraries will also run on Indivo. See the documentation for SMART client libraries: * `in javascript `_ * `in python `_ * `in java `_ * or `in .NET `_ Building a Client Library ------------------------- A client library's responsibilities are simple: it must be able to sign HTTP requests using OAuth, send them to Indivo Server or an Indivo UI App (for OAuth authorization), and present the results of the requests back to the app developer. Most languages have libraries for doing these things already, so building a new Indivo client library is actually quite simple. In order to facilitate auto-generation of clients, Indivo provides an ``api.xml`` file, which describes all of the calls a complete client should support. This file can be found in the indivo server source code, in ``indivo_server/api.xml``. The ``api.xml`` file should be updated whenever the supported API calls are modified. In order to insure that you have the most up-to-date version of the file, you can run (from a valid indivo_server checkout):: python generate_api_spec Which will update the ``api.xml`` file to be consistent with the current codebase.