Registering Apps with Indivo ============================ As of version 2.0, Indivo has an official process for adding and managing apps on a given instance. For those of you familiar with using ``indivo_data.xml`` for adding apps, the ```` and ```` tags will no longer be respected, and will not add apps to Indivo. App Manifests ------------- Previous releases of Indivo have relied on an implicit XML syntax in ``indivo_data.xml`` for representing an app within Indivo. Now, applications must provide a declared manifest describing the application and its requirements. We have adopted the `SMART Project's `_ syntax for describing apps in manifests, but have added some Indivo-specific parameters to accommodate the way Indivo represents applications. For compatibility, any valid SMART manifest will also be a valid Indivo manifest. See `The SMART Project's documentation `_ for a description of the basic syntax of a manifest, which is JSON based. Below, we describe only the Indivo-specific modifications. User Apps ^^^^^^^^^ New Fields """""""""" An Indivo user-app may define (beyond the SMART-supported manifest fields) any of the following additional properties in its manifest: * *oauth_callback_url*: A callback URL for Indivo-style oAuth access * *autonomous_reason*: An explanation for why the app requires offline access to patient records * *has_ui*: ``true`` or ``false``, whether the app can be displayed in a browser. * *frameable*: ``true`` or ``false``, whether the app should be loaded in an iframe in the Indivo UI. * *indivo_version*: Required version of Indivo for compatibility Changes from the indivo_data.xml fields """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The following fields have changed names to match the SMART manifest fields: * *email*: Has been renamed *id*, per SMART. * *start_url_template*: Has been renamed *index*. If using Indivo-style oAuth authentication, the same templating parameters may be passed in the URL (i.e. {record_id}) * *is_autonomous*: Has been moved to the SMART *mode* property. Acceptable modes are: * *background*: This app will act like an autonomous Indivo app. * *ui*: This app will act like a non-autonomous Indivo app. Example """"""" :: { "name" : "Problems", "description" : "Display a list of problems, or enter new ones.", "author" : "Arjun Sanyal, Children's Hospital Boston", "id" : "", "version" : "1.0.0", "smart_version": "0.4", "mode" : "ui", "scope": "record", "has_ui": true, "frameable": true, "icon" : "jmvc/ui/resources/images/app_icons_32/problems.png", "index": "/apps/problems/start_auth?record_id={record_id}&carenet_id={carenet_id}", "oauth_callback_url": "/apps/problems/after_auth" } UI and Admin Apps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ New Fields """""""""" An Indivo user-app may define (beyond the SMART-supported manifest fields) any of the following additional properties in its manifest: * *ui_app*: ``true`` or ``false``. Whether the machineapp is a UIApp ('chrome app'). * *indivo_version*: Required version of Indivo for compatibility Changes from the indivo_data.xml fields """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The following fields have changed names to match the SMART manifest fields: * *email*: Has been renamed *id*, per SMART. * *app_type*: Please use the *ui_app* field, above. Example """"""" :: { "name": "Sample UI App", "description" : "The reference Indivo UI App", "author" : "Ben Adida, Travers Franckle, Arjun Sanyal, Pascal Pfiffner, Daniel Haas. Children's Hospital Boston", "id" : "", "version" : "2.0.0", "indivo_version": "2.0.0", "ui_app": true } App oAuth Credentials --------------------- When authenticating to Indivo using :ref:`traditional oAuth `, applications must provided Indivo with their consumer key and a shared consumer_secret. As this secret is private and should not be shared with other apps (i.e., via a call to :http:get:`/apps/`), it should be registered in a separate file. We therefore define a simple JSON format for specifying app oAuth credentials, which is simple JSON and has two fields: * *consumer_key*: The oAuth consumer key for the app. * *consumer_secret*: The oAuth consumer secret for the app. Here's a sample credentials file, for our built-in Problems app:: { "consumer_key": "", "consumer_secret": "SECRETFORTHEPROBLEMSAPP:CHANGEME" } **Notes:** * If your app is a SMART app, you probably haven't explicitly generated a 'consumer key'. You should set the ``consumer_key`` field of the credentials file to match the ``id`` field of your app manifest file. * If your app is a SMART CONNECT app (or connects to Indivo using :ref:`connect-auth`), you do not need a consumer secret. In such a case, set the ``consumer_secret`` field of the credentials file to the empty string: ``''``. Managing the Registered Apps ---------------------------- Thus, to register an app with Indivo, you need two files: an app manifest (``manifest.json``) and a credentials file (``credentials.json``). Changing the set of registered apps in Indivo is now drag-and-drop, as with our process for managing datatypes and schemas. To add, remove, or change an app, you'll need to: * Create a manifest and credentials file for the app (or modify existing manifests/credentials) * Drop the files into the filesystem * Sync the database with the filesystem Apps in the Indivo Filesystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Indivo apps currently have the following layout on the filesystem:: indivo_server/ registered_apps/ admin/ ui/ user/ allergies/ manifest.json credentials.json ... To add an app to the filesystem, simply add a subdirectory under ``indivo_server/registered_apps/admin``, ``indivo_server/registered_apps/ui``, or ``indivo_server/registered_apps/user`` (depending on the type of your app), and drop a manifest and a credentials file into that directory. To remove an app, just delete its directory. To change an app's manifest or credentials, just modify the appropriate ``manifest.json`` or ``credentials.json`` file. Syncing the Database with the Filesystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To alert Indivo that you've changed the registered apps, run (from ``indivo_server/``):: python sync_apps This will process the list of registered apps and sync any additions, deletes or updates to the database. Resetting Indivo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With the new system, there is **NO NEED TO RESET INDIVO TO ADD APPS!**. Simply run the ``sync_apps`` command, above. When you do reset Indivo, the reset script now calls ``sync_apps``, which will add all of the registered apps to Indivo.