Python Client Library Reference

class indivo_python_client.IndivoClient(server_params, consumer_params, resource_token=None, **state_vars)

The Indivo python client. The client should be initialized with the following arguments:

  • server_params: A dictionary containing information about the API server. The dictionary should have two keys: api_base, the server location from which the API is served, and authorization_base, the server location to which the user should be redirected to perform OAuth authorization.
  • consumer_params: A dictionary containing information about your app. The dictionary should have two keys: consumer_key, the OAuth consumer key for your app, and consumer_secret, the OAuth consumer secret for your app.
  • resource_token: Optional. A token (request, access, or session) with which to sign requests. The token should be a dictionary with two keys: oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.
  • state_vars: Optional. Additional state to track with the API. This will be used to fill in url parameters when available. For example, if you create an IndivoClient with pha_email='', then making an API call like GET /apps/{PHA_EMAIL} will automatically fill in the url, without you needing to pass the pha_email argument into the call. This is useful with variables that are unlikely to change within the use of a single client object, such as pha_email or record_id. You can override the variables in individual API calls if need be, however.

IndivoClient.get(uri, body={}, headers={}, **uri_params)

Make a signed HTTP GET request against Indivo. Arguments are:

  • uri: The URI against which to make the request. Optionally, the URI may have templatable parameters, which should take the form of {VAR_NAME}. Such variables must be passed in via the uri_params argument or be present as a state variable on the IndivoClient instance itself, or a KeyError will be raised.
  • body: Optional. A dictionary containing querystring parameters to add to the request, for example: { 'record_id': 'abcde' }.
  • headers: Optional. A dictionary containing additional HTTP headers to add to the request.
  • uri_params: Optional. Additional parameters to be templated into the uri. parameter names should be the lower-cased equivalent of uri parameters. For example, if the URI contains {PHA_EMAIL}, uri_params should contain pha_email=''.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.put(uri, body='', headers={}, content_type=None, **uri_params)

Make a signed HTTP PUT request against Indivo. Arguments are:

  • uri: The URI against which to make the request. Optionally, the URI may have templatable parameters, which should take the form of {VAR_NAME}. Such variables must be passed in via the uri_params argument or be present as a state variable on the IndivoClient instance itself, or a KeyError will be raised.
  • body: Optional. The body of the request. It should be either a raw data string, or a dictionary containing form-data parameters.
  • headers: Optional. A dictionary containing additional HTTP headers to add to the request.
  • content_type: Optional. The MIME type of the data submitted in the PUT request. defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  • uri_params: Optional. Additional parameters to be templated into the uri. parameter names should be the lower-cased equivalent of uri parameters. For example, if the URI contains {PHA_EMAIL}, uri_params should contain pha_email=''.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo., body='', headers={}, content_type=None, **uri_params)

Make a signed HTTP POST request against Indivo. Arguments are:

  • uri: The URI against which to make the request. Optionally, the URI may have templatable parameters, which should take the form of {VAR_NAME}. Such variables must be passed in via the uri_params argument or be present as a state variable on the IndivoClient instance itself, or a KeyError will be raised.
  • body: Optional. The body of the request. It should be either a raw data string, or a dictionary containing form-data parameters.
  • headers: Optional. A dictionary containing additional HTTP headers to add to the request.
  • content_type: Optional. The MIME type of the data submitted in the POST request. defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  • uri_params: Optional. Additional parameters to be templated into the uri. parameter names should be the lower-cased equivalent of uri parameters. For example, if the URI contains {PHA_EMAIL}, uri_params should contain pha_email=''.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.delete(uri, headers={}, **uri_params)

Make a signed HTTP DELETE request against Indivo. Arguments are:

  • uri: The URI against which to make the request. Optionally, the URI may have templatable parameters, which should take the form of {VAR_NAME}. Such variables must be passed in via the uri_params argument or be present as a state variable on the IndivoClient instance itself, or a KeyError will be raised.
  • headers: Optional. A dictionary containing additional HTTP headers to add to the request.
  • uri_params: Optional. Additional parameters to be templated into the uri. parameter names should be the lower-cased equivalent of uri parameters. For example, if the URI contains {PHA_EMAIL}, uri_params should contain pha_email=''.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.


Update the token used by the client to sign requests. resource_token should be a dictionary with two keys: oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.

Returns None.


Get a new request token from the server. params should include parameters for generating the token, such as indivo_record_id.

Returns the request token in the form of a dictionary with two keys: oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.


Exchange the client’s current token (a request token) for an access token. verifier must be the verifier string returned after the user has successfully authenticated.

Returns the newly acquired access token in the form of a dictionary with two keys: oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.


Generate a token and secret for signing URLs. This token/secret are based on the client’s current resource token (which should be an access token). SURL credentials are required in order to use a UI Server widget: they delegate access to the UI Server to make API calls on behalf of a user app.

Returns a dictionary with two keys: token and secret.

IndivoClient.account_create([body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a new account, and send out initialization emails.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

Search for accounts by name or email.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/search for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_info(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Display information about an account.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.get_connect_credentials(account_email=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Get oAuth credentials for an app to run in Connect or SMART REST mode.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/connect_credentials for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.delete_user_preferences(account_email=None, pha_email=None[, headers={}])

Delete all app-specific User Preferences for an account.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/preferences for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.get_user_preferences(account_email=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Get app-specific User Preferences for an account.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/preferences for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.set_user_preferences(account_email=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set app-specific User Preferences for an account.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/preferences for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_authsystem_add(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Add a new method of authentication to an account.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/authsystems/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_password_change(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Change a account’s password.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/authsystems/password/change for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_password_set(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Force the password of an account to a given value.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/authsystems/password/set for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_username_set(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Force the username of an account to a given value.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/authsystems/password/set-username for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_check_secrets(account_email=None, primary_secret=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Validate an account’s primary and secondary secrets.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/check-secrets/{PRIMARY_SECRET} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_forgot_password(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Resets an account if the user has forgotten its password.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/forgot-password for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_inbox(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List messages in an account’s inbox.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/inbox/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_send_message(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Send a message to an account.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/inbox/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_inbox_message(account_email=None, message_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Retrieve an individual message from an account’s inbox.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/inbox/{MESSAGE_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_message_archive(account_email=None, message_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Archive a message.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/inbox/{MESSAGE_ID}/archive for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_inbox_message_attachment_accept(attachment_num=None, account_email=None, message_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Accept a message attachment into the record it corresponds to.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/inbox/{MESSAGE_ID}/attachments/{ATTACHMENT_NUM}/accept for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_info_set(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set basic information about an account.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/info-set for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_initialize(account_email=None, primary_secret=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Initialize an account, activating it.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/initialize/{PRIMARY_SECRET} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_notifications(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List an account’s notifications.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/notifications/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_permissions(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the carenets that an account has access to.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/permissions/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_primary_secret(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Display an account’s primary secret.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/primary-secret for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_list(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List all available records for an account.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/records/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_reset(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Reset an account to an uninitialized state.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/reset for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_secret(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Return the secondary secret of an account.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/secret for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_resend_secret(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Sends an account user their primary secret in case they lost it.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/secret-resend for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.account_set_state(account_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set the state of an account.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /accounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/set-state for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.all_phas([body={}, headers={}])

List all available userapps.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.all_manifests([body={}, headers={}])

List SMART manifests for all available userapps.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/manifests/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.pha_delete(pha_email=None[, headers={}])

Delete a userapp from Indivo.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /apps/{PHA_EMAIL} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.pha(pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Return a description of a single userapp.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/{PHA_EMAIL} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_document_list(pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List app-specific documents.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_document_create(pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create an app-specific Indivo document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_document_create_or_update_ext(external_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create an app-specific Indivo document with an associated external id.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/external/{EXTERNAL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_document_meta_ext(external_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Fetch the metadata of an app-specific document identified by external id.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/external/{EXTERNAL_ID}/meta for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_document_delete(pha_email=None, document_id=None[, headers={}])

Delete an app-specific document.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_specific_document(pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Retrive an app-specific document.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_document_create_or_update(pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create or Overwrite an app-specific Indivo document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_document_label(pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set the label of an app-specific document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/label for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_document_meta(pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Fetch the metadata of an app-specific document.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/meta for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_manifest(pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Return a SMART manifest for a single userapp.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/manifest for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.app_record_list(pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Return a list of all records that have this pha enabled.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/records/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.autonomous_access_token(record_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Fetch an access token for an autonomous app to access a record.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/records/{RECORD_ID}/access_token for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.smart_capabilities([body={}, headers={}])

SMART Capabilities

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /capabilities/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_delete(carenet_id=None[, headers={}])

Delete a carenet.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /carenets/{CARENET_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_account_list(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the accounts in a carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/accounts/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_account_create(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Add an account to a carenet.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/accounts/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_account_delete(account_id=None, carenet_id=None[, headers={}])

Remove an account from a carenet.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_account_permissions(account_id=None, carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the permissions of an account within a carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/permissions for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_apps_list(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List Apps within a given carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/apps/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_apps_delete(pha_email=None, carenet_id=None[, headers={}])

Remove an app from a given carenet.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_apps_create(pha_email=None, carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Add an app to a carenet

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_app_permissions(pha_email=None, carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Retrieve the permissions for an app within a carenet. NOT IMPLEMENTED.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/permissions for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.read_demographics_carenet(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Read demographics from a carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/demographics for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_document_list(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List documents from a given carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/documents/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_document(document_id=None, carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Return a document from a carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_document_meta(document_id=None, carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Fetch the metadata of a record-specific document via a carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/meta for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_record(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Get basic information about the record to which a carenet belongs.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/record for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_rename(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Change a carenet’s name.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/rename for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_equipment_list(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the equipment data for a given carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/reports/minimal/equipment/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_measurement_list(carenet_id=None, lab_code=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the measurement data for a given carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/reports/minimal/measurements/{LAB_CODE}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_procedure_list(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the procedure data for a given carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/reports/minimal/procedures/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_simple_clinical_notes_list(carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the simple_clinical_notes data for a given carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/reports/minimal/simple-clinical-notes/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_generic_list(data_model=None, carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the Model data for a given carenet.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /carenets/{CARENET_ID}/reports/{DATA_MODEL}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.coding_systems_list([body={}, headers={}])

List available codingsystems. NOT IMPLEMENTED.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /codes/systems/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.coding_system_query(system_short_name=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Query a codingsystem for a value.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /codes/systems/{SYSTEM_SHORT_NAME}/query for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.exchange_token([body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Exchange a request token for a valid access token.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /oauth/access_token for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.request_token_approve(reqtoken_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Indicate a user’s consent to bind an app to a record or carenet.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /oauth/internal/request_tokens/{REQTOKEN_ID}/approve for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.request_token_claim(reqtoken_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Claim a request token on behalf of an account.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /oauth/internal/request_tokens/{REQTOKEN_ID}/claim for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.request_token_info(reqtoken_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Get information about a request token.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /oauth/internal/request_tokens/{REQTOKEN_ID}/info for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.session_create([body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Authenticate a user and register a web session for them.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /oauth/internal/session_create for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.surl_verify([body={}, headers={}])

Verify a signed URL.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /oauth/internal/surl-verify for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.request_token([body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Get a new request token, bound to a record or carenet if desired.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /oauth/request_token for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.smart_ontology([body={}, headers={}])

Fetch the SMART ontology as RDF/XML.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /ontology for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_create([body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a new record.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_create_ext(principal_email=None, external_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a new record with an associated external id.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/external/{PRINCIPAL_EMAIL}/{EXTERNAL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

Search for records by label (usually the same as full name).

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/search for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Get information about an individual record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.smart_allergies(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

SMART allergy list, serialized as RDF/XML.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/allergies/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.smart_allergies_instance(record_id=None, model_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Retrieve a specific instance of a SMART Allergy/AllergyExclusion.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/allergies/{MODEL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_phas(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List userapps bound to a given record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.pha_record_delete(record_id=None, pha_email=None[, headers={}])

Remove a userapp from a record.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_pha(record_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Get information about a given userapp bound to a record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_pha_enable(record_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Enable a userapp for a record.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_document_list(record_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List record-app-specific documents.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_document_create(record_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a record-app-specific Indivo document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_document_create_or_update_ext(record_id=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create or Overwrite a record-app-specific Indivo document with an associated external id.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/external/{EXTERNAL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_document_create_or_update_ext(record_id=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create or Overwrite a record-app-specific Indivo document with an associated external id.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/external/{EXTERNAL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_document_meta_ext(record_id=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Fetch the metadata of a record-app-specific document identified by external id.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/external/{EXTERNAL_ID}/meta for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_document_delete(record_id=None, pha_email=None, document_id=None[, headers={}])

Delete a record-app-specific document.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_specific_document(record_id=None, pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Retrieve a record-app-specific document.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_document_label(record_id=None, pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set the label of a record-app-specific document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/label for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_app_document_meta(record_id=None, pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Fetch the metadata of a record-app-specific document.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/meta for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_pha_setup(record_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Bind an app to a record without user authorization.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/apps/{PHA_EMAIL}/setup for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.audit_record_view(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Return audits of calls touching record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/audits/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.audit_document_view(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Return audits of calls touching record and document_id.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/audits/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.audit_function_view(record_id=None, document_id=None, function_name=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Return audits of calls to function_name touching record and document_id.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/audits/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/functions/{FUNCTION_NAME}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.audit_query(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Select Audit Objects via the Query API Interface.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/audits/query/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.autoshare_list(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

For a single record, list all carenets that a given doctype is autoshared with.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/autoshare/bytype/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.autoshare_list_bytype_all(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

For a single record, list all doctypes autoshared into carenets.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/autoshare/bytype/all for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.autoshare_create(record_id=None, carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Automatically share all documents of a certain type into a carenet.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/autoshare/carenets/{CARENET_ID}/bytype/set for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.autoshare_delete(record_id=None, carenet_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Remove an autoshare from a carenet.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/autoshare/carenets/{CARENET_ID}/bytype/unset for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_list(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List all carenets for a record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/carenets/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_create(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a new carenet for a record.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/carenets/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.read_demographics(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Read demographics from a record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/demographics for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.set_demographics(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create or update demographics on a record.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/demographics for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.documents_delete(record_id=None[, headers={}])

Delete all documents associated with a record.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_document_list(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List record-specific documents.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_create(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a record-specific Indivo Document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_create_by_ext_id(record_id=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a record-specific Indivo Document with an associated external id.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/external/{PHA_EMAIL}/{EXTERNAL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_document_label_ext(record_id=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set the label of a record-specific document, specified by external id.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/external/{PHA_EMAIL}/{EXTERNAL_ID}/label for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_document_meta_ext(record_id=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Fetch the metadata of a record-specific document identified by external id.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/external/{PHA_EMAIL}/{EXTERNAL_ID}/meta for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_rels(record_id=None, document_id_1=None, document_id_0=None, rel=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a new relationship between two existing documents.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID_0}/rels/{REL}/{DOCUMENT_ID_1} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_specific_document(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Retrieve a record-specific document.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_carenets(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List all the carenets into which a document has been shared.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/carenets/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_document_delete(record_id=None, carenet_id=None, document_id=None[, headers={}])

Unshare a document from a given carenet.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/carenets/{CARENET_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.carenet_document_placement(record_id=None, carenet_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Place a document into a given carenet.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/carenets/{CARENET_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.autoshare_revert(record_id=None, carenet_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Revert the document-sharing of a document in a carent to whatever rules are specified by autoshares. NOT IMPLEMENTED.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/carenets/{CARENET_ID}/autoshare-revert for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_document_label(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set the label of a record-specific document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/label for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_document_meta(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Fetch the metadata of a record-specific document.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/meta for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.update_document_meta(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set metadata fields on a document. NOT IMPLEMENTED.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/meta for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_remove_nevershare(record_id=None, document_id=None[, headers={}])

Remove the nevershare flag from a document.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/nevershare for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_set_nevershare(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Flag a document to never be shared, anywhere.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/nevershare for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.get_documents_by_rel(record_id=None, rel=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Get all documents related to the passed document_id by a relation of the passed relation-type.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/rels/{REL}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_create_by_rel(record_id=None, rel=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a document and relate it to an existing document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/rels/{REL}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_create_by_rel_with_ext_id(record_id=None, rel=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a document, assign it an external id, and relate it to an existing document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/rels/{REL}/external/{PHA_EMAIL}/{EXTERNAL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_create_by_rel_with_ext_id(record_id=None, rel=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a document, assign it an external id, and relate it to an existing document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/rels/{REL}/external/{PHA_EMAIL}/{EXTERNAL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_version(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a new version of a record-specific document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/replace for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_version_by_ext_id(record_id=None, external_id=None, pha_email=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Create a new version of a record-specific document and assign it an external id.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/replace/external/{PHA_EMAIL}/{EXTERNAL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_set_status(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set the status of a record-specific document.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/set-status for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_status_history(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List all changes to a document’s status over time.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/status-history for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.document_versions(record_id=None, document_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Retrieve the versions of a document.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/documents/{DOCUMENT_ID}/versions/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_send_message(record_id=None, message_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Send a message to a record.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/inbox/{MESSAGE_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_message_attach(record_id=None, attachment_num=None, message_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Attach a document to an Indivo message.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/inbox/{MESSAGE_ID}/attachments/{ATTACHMENT_NUM} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_notify(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Send a notification about a record to all accounts authorized to be notified.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/notifications/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_notify(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Send a notification about a record to all accounts authorized to be notified.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/notify for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_get_owner(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Get the owner of a record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/owner for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_set_owner(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set the owner of a record.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/owner for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_set_owner(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Set the owner of a record.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See PUT /records/{RECORD_ID}/owner for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.report_ccr(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Export patient data as a Continuity of Care Record (CCR) document.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/reports/experimental/ccr for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.equipment_list(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the equipment data for a given record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/reports/minimal/equipment/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.measurement_list(record_id=None, lab_code=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the measurement data for a given record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/reports/minimal/measurements/{LAB_CODE}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.procedure_list(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the procedure data for a given record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/reports/minimal/procedures/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.simple_clinical_notes_list(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the simple_clinical_notes data for a given record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/reports/minimal/simple-clinical-notes/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.generic_list(record_id=None, data_model=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the Model data for a given record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/reports/{DATA_MODEL}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_shares(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}])

List the shares of a record.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/shares/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_share_add(record_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Fully share a record with another account.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/shares/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_share_delete(record_id=None, other_account_id=None[, headers={}])

Undo a full record share with an account.

headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See DELETE /records/{RECORD_ID}/shares/{OTHER_ACCOUNT_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.record_share_delete(record_id=None, other_account_id=None[, body={}, headers={}, content_type=None])

Undo a full record share with an account.

body should contain the data to send with the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. content_type should contain the MIME type of the data sent in the body argument. See POST /records/{RECORD_ID}/shares/{OTHER_ACCOUNT_ID}/delete for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.smart_generic(record_id=None, model_name=None[, body={}, headers={}])

SMART-compatible alias for the generic list view: returns data_models serialized as SMART RDF.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/{MODEL_NAME}/ for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.smart_generic_instance(record_id=None, model_id=None, model_name=None[, body={}, headers={}])

Retrieve a specific instance of a SMART model.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /records/{RECORD_ID}/{MODEL_NAME}/{MODEL_ID} for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.

IndivoClient.get_version([body={}, headers={}])

Return the current version of Indivo.

body should contain query parameters for the call. headers should contain any additional HTTP headers to pass in with the call. See GET /version for valid parameters and the returned content.

This call will return a tuple (response, content), where response is an instance of httplib2.Response, and content is the raw content returned by Indivo.